In Living Flesh / Jocelyn Ang
Jocelyn Ang
In Living Flesh
Singapore, 2017
Self-published, Softcover
In Living flesh is the latest photography series developed by Jocelyn Ang for the freespace residency programme. The residency-led exploration examines the corporeal body through the abstraction of various human forms and organic materials and seeks to discuss the physicality and mortality of flesh and blood.
Artist Info
Jocelyn Ang (b. 1992, Singapore) graduated with a BFA in Photography and Digital Imaging and a Minor in Art History from the Nanyang Technological University School of Art, Design and Media. She works primarily with the photographic medium and explores human emotions and relationships through photographic documentation and image making. She likes contemplating about the intricacies of the human body, thought and interaction and she tries to make sense of them through physical recordings that aim to preserve a certain state of our physical being, emotion and story at a select point in time.